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The Fire Element is one of the five Elementals Witches can use to strengthen their spells or themselves. Controlling the Fire Element can be tough as it is the most stubborn and strongest of the Elements. That is not to say that it is impossible to gain control over the Fire Element when the right skills are applied. But, before attempting to control the Fire Element, it is best to learn more about it; that way, with a deeper understanding of the Element, you will be able to build a stronger connection to it, and in turn, have more potent spells.
What is the Fire Element?
The Fire Element is a light and active Element always on the go. Compared to other Elements, Fire does not have a natural state. The only way for Fire to take on a physical form is to consume a form of the other Elements. It is a headstrong element that is a born leader and demands authority, which also makes this Element a masculine Element.
Fire is a two-sided coin as it has both creative and destructive qualities. Fire is a transforming Element as it has the power to change the world around it. For instance, Fire has long been used for cooking meals, heat homes, and light the way in darkness. By using Fire in our everyday lives, we are allowing it to change us and the way we do things to include the Fire Element. The warmth of the Fire has also fueled passions and inspired people to take on challenges. Most likely, you have heard people say that someone has “fire in their eyes” or “fire in their bellies,” which means that they have a burning desire to accomplish a task, which the
Fire Element is aiding them in achieving.
We should not fear the destructive qualities of the Fire Element. While the Fire Element’s destructive habits may seem scary, they serve a useful purpose. For example, forest fires may destroy a lot of wildlife, but it also clears out old life and debris to allow new life to grow and populate. Instead of fearing the Fire Element’s destructive habits, we need to learn to control it. As wild as Fire may be, it can be tamed with the right amount of persistence. Like when we light a candle, we are still calling on the Fire's energy, but we are limiting its power and destructive tendencies.
Fire Element Correspondences
To help you start building a connection to the Fire Element, surround yourself with some of its correspondences, or use the correspondences in a spell or ritual that needs the passion of the Fire Element to work. Here is a helpful list of the correspondences you can use.
How the Fire Element is Used in Spells
The Fire Element is best used in spells that relate to change, passion, creativity, power, and sensuality. It is also a prime element to use in spells dealing with love and sexuality as it will trigger the passion in the couple. The Fire Element can also be used in spells for healing and purification as its destructive tendencies are great for breaking bad habits and helping you start on newer, more positive habits.
Bringing the Fire Element into your spells and rituals is easy. The easiest way to incorporate Fire is to use a candle. Or, you can use one of the correspondences that were listed above; all you need to do is cleanse them before use and charge them with your energy. Some of the correspondences you can even charge for a full day under the sun if you know they do not get damaged being put in direct sunlight.
Connecting to the Fire Element
If you want to try to connect to the Fire Element before trying to use it in a spell or ritual, just to create a stronger bond, there are a couple ways to do so.
One method requires you to go out on a sunny day to meditate under the sun. Try to wear light clothing so you can feel the warmth of the sun touch your skin. You want to focus on the heat touching your body, the warmth building upon you, and the flame inside you steadily growing the longer you stay out under the sun. Try not to stay out too long under the sun as it could harm your skin, even if you are wearing sunblock. About an hour a day should be long enough to start building a connection to the Fire Element.
If you want to avoid burning your skin, you can try the candle method. With the candle method, you will be gazing intensely at the flickering flame of a lit candle. Concentrate on the sound of cracking wood, the smell of ash, and the feeling of the warm flames. You can do this method as long as you can concentrate as it will not require more than your focus to accomplish.
The Fire Element can be a tricky Element to gain control over, but it is not impossible. Knowing what personality Fire has, how its destructive and creative tendencies work, and what correspondences go with it is a great starting point in learning to control the Element. Don’t get discouraged if the Fire does not want to be controlled immediately, just keep showing it your persistence, and you will soon gain its respect and power.