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Aligning All 7 Chakras

Many people are somewhat puzzled when it comes to chakras.

There’s so much info out there from gurus saying precisely how to treat them, particularly if you buy their products or sign up for their latest online course.

Maybe you’ve bought into a sales pitch and followed instructions religiously but still haven’t been able to align your chakras.

This article explains the 7 main chakras that run along the spine and the crystals that can balance them. It also describes why it’s essential to balance each chakra before aligning them.

Chakras – What They Are and Why They Matter

According to Eastern philosophies, about 114 chakras or energy centers are dispersed throughout the body.

Just as we have networks of blood vessels and nerves making up our physical body’s circulatory and nervous systems, chakras and a network of nadis maintain the energy or pranic body.

As much as blood vessels and nerves sustain life, they can also promote bodily decline and potentially contribute to death when injured or diseased. In the same way, when there’s mental, emotional, or spiritual suffering, nadis carry the energy into the chakras and throughout the pranic body.

Positive, healthy energy flows through the spinning chakras, allowing space and natural movement. On the other hand, negative energy builds up, causing the chakras to become dense and sluggish. Physically, we can compare this to the effect of healthy blood versus blood clots in the circulatory system.

To live a healthy, balanced life, we must regularly maintain all chakras, like our physical health, paying particular attention to areas that feel out of sorts. Only once each chakra is balanced can we align them.

Understanding Crystals and Chakras

Situated in the body’s core and running along the spinal column, the seven main chakras start with the root chakra, moving in ascending order to the crown chakra.

Since they support the pranic body, chakras are sensed and invisible to the eye.

Each chakra has its own characteristics, associations, and vibrational energy. However, nothing is cast in stone. Here’s where most chakra articles and workshops get it wrong.

Generally, we want proof and guarantees for everything in the modern world. We like separating things into categories to create an order we can understand. While this helps us avert chaos in daily life, nothing in nature or spirit is absolute.

While buying chakra healing crystals comes with big promises and high expectations, it won’t necessarily work for you.

Gaining deeper insight by turning inward in meditation rather than focusing on a crystal is more important. Do this by placing the stone on the chakra. As you relax and let go of trying, use perception and intuition to feel what the chakra is telling you.

Now, place the crystal in your receiving (non-dominant) hand and do the same. Trusting your intuition, spend some quiet time understanding what you perceive. Frequently, stones sold as ultimate chakra crystals aren’t what your chakras need right now.

The origin of a stone influences its vibrational energy as much, if not more, than its color.

Quartz combines oxygen and silicon dioxide in magma that crystallizes. It amplifies healing energies. Silica-rich groundwater in rocks forms agate, which brings soothing, calming energies to healing. So, when working with a chakra, quartz crystal will have a different effect than agate.

Ancient Indian sages accessed, healed, and aligned chakras through meditation and yoga only.

Follow their lead by first turning inward to know your chakras and then selecting crystals based on self-knowledge.

Why It’s Important to Align Your Chakras

Chakras are enigmatic, especially to people raised in Western thinking and religion. Accessing Divine guidance for healing and wisdom is an incredible experience.

As a result, those new to chakra work often focus on the 4 upper spiritual chakras, seeking the magick of Divine healing and teachings. These same people usually end up confused and sometimes out of touch with the reality of chakras.

In truth, chakra work has nothing to do with magick. It’s about learning to live and integrate the realities of an impermanent life on earth with the spirituality and infinity of the soul.

This means identifying what matters and is fleeting, worth pursuing, and what must be released. Chakra work helps us know our inner selves and discover our true values.

Focusing the spiritual chakras only at the expense of the lower ones means we don’t learn how to navigate the world around us.

Regularly balancing, healing, and then aligning all 7 chakras opens us fully to the Divine and the divinity within ourselves.

Balancing and Aligning Chakras

Meditation is vital in accessing, balancing, and aligning the chakras. It doesn’t need to be anything complex; just time alone to go within.

When working on a specific chakra, focus on its location in the pranic and physical body and visualize its energy color.

Do this sitting or lying down. Either place the crystal on the chakra or hold it in your non-dominant hand. Feel the stone’s energy flow into the chakra and visualize debris and negative energy breaking down and dispersing.

Work systematically from the root to the crown chakra.

Align the 7 chakras by visualizing an energy flow from the root to the crown chakra. See the color of each chakra flowing upwards and changing as it blends one into another. Finally, visualize a cascade of golden light flowing from your crown chakra to your root chakra.

Clear quartz is an excellent crystal for chakra alignment.

Chakra Insights and Top 3 Crystals for Each

Here’s a brief description of each of the 7 main chakras and the crystals most likely to heal and balance them:


The Muladhara, or root chakra, is situated at the base of the spine and is the first of the seven main chakras. It ensures your basic survival and is the basis of your spiritual development and progress.

The root chakra is associated with basic needs (food, shelter, protection), safety and security, confidence, courage, recovery, regeneration, healing, and sexual and reproductive health.

Crystals that can heal and balance your Muladhara include:

Black obsidian

A black volcanic stone from the depths of Mother Earth, black obsidian reflects reality back at you. It has a potent raw energy that’s grounding and protective.

Use it to heal past trauma and for protection, wisdom, confidence, and authenticity.


Intense, passionate, regenerative garnet has a slow-burning effect that works at your core to ignite passions and bring success. It’s grounding and restorative and guides you away from self-defeating attitudes that limit your true potential.

Use it if you’re inclined to self-sabotage, fear, anxiety, and have low self-confidence.

Red jasper

The warm energy of red jasper vibrates with the energy of Mother Earth. It brings comfort, grounding, and protection to gradually build inner strength and help you see the heart of any matter.

Use it during difficult times like loss, grief, or long-term illness.


The Svadhishthana, or sacral chakra, is the second of the main chakras and plays a crucial role in personal development and growth.

It’s closely linked to the five senses and the ability to control your role within your environment and relationships. The sacral chakra is the source of self-esteem, creativity, and joy.

Crystals that can heal and balance your Svadhishthana include:


Gifted to us by trees, amber is an organic crystal packed with earth energy that connects to primal instincts. Amber holds the sun's energy and nature, which encourages positivity, the retrieval of personal power, and the willingness to embrace change.

Use it to build self-confidence, authenticity, spontaneity, and courage and release anxiety and fear.


Fiery carnelian vibrates with the root and sacral chakras, bringing effervescent, positive energy to remind you of all the joys of life that are meant for you. Carnelian fires up inspiration, creativity, and the courage to follow through on ideas and manifest them as reality.

Use it when you’ve been healing but still doubt your true potential.


Sunstone is a renowned stone of leadership, confidence, empowerment, enthusiasm, transparency, and motivation. Despite its powerful energy, it’s gentle, making it more of a life coach than an enforcer.

Use it if you’re feeling disempowered, lethargic, or left out in the cold.


The Manipura, or solar plexus chakra, is the third of 7 main chakras. Frequently associated with the sun, it’s our source of personal power and inner fire. It governs authenticity, choice, ego, individual freedom, personal identity, self-esteem, self-confidence, and transformation.

Crystals that can heal and balance your Manipura include:


Sunny citrine lights your world with warm, nurturing rays of sunshine radiating with pure healing energy, casting a golden light on even the darkest days. It raises your vibrational energy, helping remove debris and blockages. Citrine can open you to the golden light of the Divine.

Use it for authentic self-expression and self-belief to manifest the universal abundance intended for you.

Golden quartz

Golden quartz has a wide range of cleansing and healing properties. It brings elements of love, Divine light, and forgiveness to allow healing and final release with pure intentions, unhindered by resentment or unforgiveness.

Use it if you’ve started your healing journey but are held back by guilt, shame, resentment, or unforgiveness of yourself or others.

Yellow calcite

Affectionate yellow calcite brings relaxation while progressively removing blockages to facilitate healing. It encourages hope, enthusiasm, and optimism that creep in like the sun’s warm rays, gently raising vibrational energy.

Use it during slow healing processes, particularly when you feel burdened and stuck.


The Anahata, or heart chakra, is the fourth of the seven main chakras. It’s a bridge of Divine light connecting the three lower, earthly chakras with the three upper, spiritual chakras. It’s also the core of all love, compassion, empathy, and joy.

Crystals that can heal and balance your Anahata include:

Rose quartz

The master of all pink crystals and the goddess stone of the Anahata, powerful yet gentle rose quartz offers endless compassion, tenderness, and nurturing love. Although associated with romantic love, it’s more about helping you discover deeper love at a spiritual level.

Use it when you’re heartbroken, need self-compassion and self-love, want comfort, healing from abuse or trauma, or embarking on a path of self-discovery and enlightenment.

Moss agate

Calming moss agate soothes the soul and calms the heart chakra. It provides a safe haven to connect with Mother Earth, allowing the soul to relax and just be.

Use it if you’re inclined to take on more than you can handle, over-compensate for others or feel trapped in the rush of the material world.


Aligned with the heart and root chakras, rhodonite is a rescue stone with a high vibrational energy. It brings balance to the heart and root chakras, providing a stable foundation in times

of anxiety and stress.

Use it if you feel dragged down by abuse, pain, and trauma and can’t find a way out.


The Vishuddha, or throat chakra, is the fifth of the 7 main chakras and the first of the higher spiritual chakras. It’s the source of pure expression and communication, including active listening. This means speaking your truth with authenticity and being willing to hear the truth with an open mind.

Crystals that can heal and balance your Vishuddha include:


Blue and green amazonite resonate with the heart and throat chakras. A stone of courage and truth, it quells fear and builds the courage to speak your truth and act on it. Amazonite empowers you to look fear in the eye, making it less intimidating and allowing you to challenge fear with self-confidence.

Use it if you need the courage to change your life for the better by either taking back your power or letting go of people or situations.


A water stone, aquamarine soothes and clears, helping you connect with suppressed emotions. It has a fluid energy that helps you stay calm and present during communication with others. Aquamarine washes away anxiety caused by anger, fear, or attachment and encourages kindness, mental clarity, and understanding.

Use it when your attachment to past hurts and traumas negatively impact communication with others.

Blue lace agate

Gentle blue lace agate calms nerves, easing stress and tension. It tenderly heals emotional wounds and supports spiritual growth to expose your true value and purpose. Fear and anxiety dissipate while courage and self-belief grow, allowing you to open up to authentic communication.

Use it if you’re carrying unhealed trauma that makes you insecure and afraid to speak up or defend yourself.


The Ajna, or brow chakra, is the sixth of 7 main chakras and is the seat of the subconscious mind, intuition, and psychic perception. The Ajna makes you more reflective, contemplative, less judgmental, and less superficial, sowing the seeds of true wisdom.

Crystals that can heal and balance your Ajna include:


Amethyst is a semi-translucent purple quartz that bridges the third eye and crown chakras, creating a gateway to the unconscious mind and the Divine. It’s a stone of contemplation, contentment, meditation, peace, and spirituality that brings heightened awareness and deep


Use it if you’re unsettled, distracted, and dissatisfied to open the way to the peace and calm necessary for chakra work.

Purple fluorite

Fluorite is a stone of aptitude and discernment that brings a unique energy to meditation. It can be used on the path to spiritual awakening and to boost intuition.

Use it to clear the mind and remove self-deception that creates unacceptance and mental blocks.


Labradorite is a protective stone that echoes the iridescent colors of the aurora borealis. It contains the power of the Universe and awakens intuition and psychic abilities.

Use it to ward off negativity, such as self-sabotaging thoughts or cynicism towards life and others.


The Sahasrara, also known as the crown chakra, is the final of the seven main chakras and is the most sensitive and subtle. While potent, it loops back to the Muladhara, or root chakra, and can only serve us if the six chakras in between are balanced or blocked. The Sahasrara is the seat of transformation and spiritual consciousness and the source of the quest for spiritual knowledge and self-knowledge that exists beyond the thinking mind.

Crystals that can heal and balance your Sahasrara include:


Pale blue, green, and purple fluorite benefit the crown chakra. It’s a stone of aptitude and discernment that brings a unique energy to meditation. All fluorites can be used on the path to spiritual awakening, and green fluorite boosts intuition. Blue and purple are best for stimulating and healing the Sahasrara.

Use it to clear the mind and remove the self-deception that creates unacceptance and mental blocks that prevent chakra healing.

Lapis lazuli

Like the deep blue of the star-studded night sky, lapis lazuli stimulates creativity, mental clarity, and clear self-expression during communication. It enhances awareness, brings wisdom, and offers protection to the soul seeker.

Use it for conscious communication when you lack wisdom and self-knowledge and can’t access inner wisdom.


Moonstone radiates a gentle, loving, feminine energy and bathes in the white lunar energy of the full moon. It clears blockages in all chakras and balances emotions to build self-esteem. Moonstone reminds us of the impermanent nature of life and encourages acceptance of change as the natural state of flow.

Use it when battling to accept life’s cyclical nature and to break attachments to limiting beliefs, people, and things.

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